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ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!



ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!



ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!



ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!



ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!



ZG specialty wholesale mall is committed to bringing more ecological products
out of the mountains and into the hands of consumers everywhere!

If you don't travel on May Day, you can hoard some of these seven specialty delicacies

2022-07-11Industry news

It is about to usher in the May Day golden week. I believe many friends have made tourism strategies and are ready to go out for fun after the holiday. Such a good season is really a good time to go out for fun.

Some people choose to stay at home, watch movies and catch up with dramas because of their work or because they don't want to join the fun. In fact, they are quite comfortable. At this time, they need some delicious food to kill time. Today, I recommend some delicious specialty snacks for you. I hope you like them.

1、 Mango

Mango is a kind of tropical fruit that everyone likes. It has rich sweetness and delicate pulp. It's very enjoyable to eat. It's delicious to eat directly or squeeze water and juice. Mango has many qualities, but I think the delicious ones are Tai Mang and Guifei mang. Although it's not big, the fruit core is small, and it's as sweet as honey, which is very good.

2、 Preserved pork

Pork breast was founded in Jingjiang and is well-known all over the world. Some people joked that "no pig can go out of Jingjiang". Pork breast tastes delicious, has endless aftertaste, and the honey is sweet. You can't survive a bite. However, because pork breast has good toughness, you need to have a good tooth to eat pork breast.

3、 Da lieba

Although Da lieba is a specialty of Russia, our Xinjiang Da lieba is not inferior to Russia at all. Da lieba uses milk instead of water, hops instead of yeast, and all kinds of nuts and dried fruits. It tastes particularly delicious. It may feel a little hard at first, but with chewing, the aroma of that kind of grain will permeate the whole mouth. Whether you are traveling or staying at home, it is essential to have a bus.

4、 Crayfish

As one of the "three giants of the night market", crayfish is a delicacy loved by diners. Although it is troublesome to make it yourself, fortunately, the Internet is developed, and you can buy it ready-made, and some of them are thin shells. Staying at home, watching a blockbuster and a bowl of crayfish with beer are simply "wow".

5、 Snail powder

"Smelling smelly, eating fragrant", this is not only about stinky tofu, but also our favorite snail powder. I don't want to cook at home. A bowl of spicy snail powder is really hearty and delicious. With peanuts, sour beans and so on, it's particularly enjoyable.

6、 Dezhou braised chicken

Dezhou grilled chicken is famous all over the world and is also the famous "Dezhou three treasures". Dezhou grilled chicken is golden in color and red in yellow. It looks like duck floating water from a distance. It tastes delicious and tastes through the bone marrow. It tastes delicious when you eat it.

7、 Yunnan tofu

Shiping tofu is a special food in Yunnan. Tofu is delicate and smooth, chewed vigorously, and has a very local flavor. This kind of tofu may have a sour taste when it is just opened, but it does not affect its taste. After frying, its surface is golden and crisp. Dipped in chili noodles only found in Yunnan, it is very enjoyable, and it is even more delicious than eating meat.


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Copyright © ZG Specialty Wholesale Mall 版权所有||技术支持:万商云集|Certificate